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I Do Not Fear

I do not fear and yet I weep, Too much undone before I sleep. Bomb, you coward, Burn and break My country for your ego’s sake As clouds of dust around me fall, and Rubble strewn and wounded call I will not crumble in the face of war unjust You - You asinine weakling - the world disgust. You fool you think that I will break? You take my land and people rape? My soul you see is free and clear You shout, dictate; I choose, not to hear, My mind, it sits by waters calm That stroke my heart and soothe like balm. Shoot me now and I might die But lost I’m not for God on high The Lord who sits upon the throne Was crushed and maimed to save His own. I’m one He counts and when you’re done with puny bombs and shell, The clods will cover your bloated self before you go… To Hell. For me another destination

– New Earth -Peace – Most Favoured Nation –

And so you bully as you crush And blood spill freely in your rush…

For Power;

Remember words long written that promise glory fleeting, Before your - Final - Eternal –Beating - And when death has had its say

For you… No stone will roll away. God help you – I envy you not.

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