Pegged haphazardly they hang
Weighted by water and volume
Private garments for all to see
Crisp drying in the Sun.
The sight comforts me
Knowing now...
She has wrung and hung
With hands crippled by time
Rings sunken into flesh
Swollen by weary heart
She has navigated steps
With laundry basket in hand
On mis-shapen feet
Encased in the sensible shoes of old age
She has ignored the pain
Of vertebrae long broken
To carry out this timeless task
In the breaking of a sunny day...
After driving rain
The song of birds...
After the whine of mosquitoes
The bright summer blooms...
After months of frost
Ignoring age
Taking simple pleasures
One day at a time.
I call a greeting; and
Knowing she hears me,
I continue running up the hill.